TYT ve AYT Tarih Soru Bankası

by Coderman



If youre looking for TYT and AYT History Exam practice questions will help you have a lot of work. With thousands of questions contained in the bank will not even need to take any questions. All issues are available free TYT Physics and YKS about hundreds of questions, when you finish your exam tests correctly solve and how you can learn what is your flaw. Analysis can also head to compare your answers with the correct answers in the test you are finished and you can see where you made mistakes. thick books available now with questions can stop moving. With our application for free at the café on the road Buses will transport thousands of questions with you and be able to solve. Thanks to links found within our application and TYT AYT Turkish, mathematics, chemistry, history, geography, biology and philosophy can be found in the question bank.wherein the topics of the question:2018 TYT dates threadsIntroduction to the History of ScienceEmergence of Civilization and the First CivilizationsAncient Turkish HistoryHistory of IslamTurkish-Islamic States (10-13. Centuries)History of Turkey (11-13. Centuries)Principality of State (1300-1453)World Power of the Ottoman Empire (1453-1600)Early Modern Europe (1453-1789)Ottoman Culture and CivilizationLooking Year (17. Centuries)Change in the 18th Century and DiplomacyModern Europe (1789 ....)Longest Century (1800-1922)The Ottoman Empire in the beginning of the 20th CenturyWorld War 1National Struggle Preparatory PeriodFronts in the War of IndependenceTurkish RevolutionPrinciples of Atatürk and KemalismTurkish Foreign Policy